Call for Articles: Extension of Submission Deadline
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal invites articles for its forthcoming issue – Vol. 9, No. 1. The deadline for submission is extended to 15 January 2023.
Bodhi: An Interdisciplinary Journal is an annual, bi-lingual (English and Nepali) publication by the Department of Languages and Mass Communication, School of Arts, Kathmandu University. It publishes academic contributions of original work on, and translations of, any aspect of Arts and Social Sciences from inter/multi-disciplinary perspectives. Research articles on Humanities that includes languages, media, communication, and journalism are encouraged.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Submit original, unpublished works. Specify the name and designation of the authors and co-authors. Include contact details.
2. Type in MS Word, Time New Roman Font of 12 points, the format in 1.5 space. Number the pages in the bottom right corner.
3. Number the Tables, Photographs, and Plates. Submit the visual high-resolution photographs separately.
4. All submissions should include a title, abstract, keywords, and references.
5. The minimum word length is 3000, and the maximum is 7,000 (excluding references) while the word limitation may be compromised for invited articles.
6. Visuals should be only in black and white.
7. Follow international standards for bibliographical references. Refer to the APA style at
1. All contributions will be peer reviewed.
2. Every article will be checked for plagiarism. So, all articles should follow the guidelines of ethics in research. In case of any error due to oversight in this regard, the author(s) will be responsible.
3. The editorial team has the right to reject submissions on grounds of already published work, substandard writing and poor quality of research work.