Department of Development Studies
Master in Urban Studies (MUS)
The Master in Urban Studies is a unique inter-disciplinary program. It blends courses from engineering, natural and social sciences to offer a robust understanding of cities, the processes of urbanization, and urban life, society and governance.
Master in Development Studies
The Master in Development Studies (DEVS) at Kathmandu University is a multidisciplinary programme offered to meet the growing complexity of development activities.
Master in Human and Natural Resources Studies
The Master in Human and Natural Resources Studies (HNRS) at Kathmandu University (KU) currently offers Master’s and PhD degrees. These are research-oriented professional degrees and the programme seeks to impart the research and analytical abilities necessary to understand the structure and functioning of rural society and their natural resource base.
Department of Languages and Mass Communication
The Department of Languages and Mass Communication was established in 2005 at Kathmandu University. Initially, the department was situated centrally in the university premises of Dhulikhel. As its core academic activity, Bachelor in Media Studies program was launched in 2006. Master in Media Studies program has been recently launched in 2022 with first intake starting in August (Fall Session).
Masters in Media Studies (MMS)
The curriculum of the Master in Media Studies (MMS) program is designed as an intensive two-year program divided into four semesters. It offers different courses/papers of total 60 credit hours. It aims at fine blending of both the knowledge and skills dimensions of media and communication. The curriculum consists of unique combination of theory, analytical techniques, production skills, research approach, communication competence, and so on, which are required for the professionals in the field of media and media support systems.
Bachelor in Media Studies (BMS)
BMS program is primarily aimed at producing human resources for media organizations, media support services, and allied industries such as advertising and public relations, educational institutions, development agencies, IT and other service sectors.
The program has a strong theoretical orientation, analytical foundation and skills building that prepares the students for higher academic pursuit. BMS graduates are also empowered with entrepreneurship and management skills required in the field of media and allied industries.
Bachelor of Arts in English, and Mass Communication & Journalism (BA-EMCJ)
The Bachelor of Arts in English, and Mass Communication & Journalism (BA-EMCJ) is an intensive four-year academic program offered by the Department of Languages and Mass Communication at Kathmandu University School of Arts (KUSOA). Aimed at producing human resources with specializations in English as well as Mass Communication and Journalism, Introduce students to the diverse fields of literary and cultural studies, encouraging scholarship and critical thinking in various interconnected areas. Hence, the curriculum of BA-EMCJ comprises core courses from English as well as Mass Communication and Journalism, and other courses from inter/multi-disciplinary areas. Students can choose courses from diverse areas within language, literature, journalism, professional communication, and academic writing that align with the discipline’s broad scope. The BA-EMCJ is designed to build students’ skills and knowledge for diverse professions.
Disability Research Center
Disability Research Centre (DRC) is a joint initiative of Kathmandu University School of Arts and UNICEF Nepal. It focuses on disability research, training and teaching from the perspective of social, economic and institutional linkages.
Center for Buddhist Studies
The courses offered at Rangjung Yeshe Institute include a variety of topics in Buddhist Philosophy, History, and Cultural Studies, and in Tibetan, Sanskrit, and Nepali languages. Students who are seeking a thorough education in Buddhist Philosophy and Himalayan languages may enroll in formal degree programs at BA, MA, and PhD levels or take advantage of RYI’s Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies. Several specialized non-degree courses are also available including RYI’s eight-week long summer intensives, online learning courses, and a year-long translator training program.
Confucius Institute at KU
The Confucius Institute at Kathmandu University is a high-level Chinese Language and Culture institution, cooperatively established by Hebei University of Economics and Business and Kathmandu University with the ratification of Office of Chinese Language Council International. It is also the first Confucius Institute in Nepal.
Himalaya Centre for Asian Studies (HiCAS)
The Himalaya Centre for Asian Studies (HiCAS) was established on December 27, 2019 under the School of Arts by the 591st Executive Council (EC) meeting of Kathmandu University (KU). The initial days and months after the establishment of the Centre became virtually inactive due to the sudden advent of Covid-19 virus and the impact it had at the global as well as national levels. Because of national level lockdowns, travel restrictions and safety concerns, the initial months of the establishment were spent mostly by discussing future plans and crafting the directive of HiCAS. The directive of HiCAS was eventually finalized and endorsed by the EC on the 31st of August, 2021, which clearly outlines the aims, goals, structure and planned activities of HiCAS.
Kathmandu University-Nepal Centre for Contemporary Studies (KU-NCCS)
The KU-NCCS is a research institute under Kathmandu University School of Arts (KUSoA). It is an entity brought under the umbrella of Kathmandu University by 594th meeting of Executive Council (EC) held on February 16, 2020. Nepal Centre for Contemporary Studies (NCCS), a Kathmandu-based think tank established in 1995 was working on research and publication in contemporary socio-economic and political issues of South Asia. With an objective to initiate and strengthen research-based social science knowledge, the NCCS will now entirely be a part of KUSoA as per the understanding between its founders and the university.
PhD Programs
Developing and transition countries are affected by a multitude of environmental, political, economic, socio-cultural, and technical development problems and disparities. These occur in many different contexts, and their frequency and acuteness have greatly increased in the 20th century. The challenge for research that aims to produce knowledge relevant to prevention and mitigation of such problems and disparities is that these do not occur independently of each other, but are closely interrelated, appearing in clusters.
Bachelor in Community Development Programme
The Bachelor in Community Development (BCD) is a four-year undergraduate program designed to produce leaders and champions for community development and social change in the country. This is a unique professional program designed to cater human resources required for community development through self entrepreneurship and skilled professionals to work with different sections of the society such as environment, health, development, equity, women, children, youth, elderly, Dalits, people with disabilities, and communities affected by various transformations.
Bachelors in Economics
Introduced in 2013, the Bachelor in Economics (BECO) is one of the most competitive undergraduate programs offered by Kathmandu University, School of Arts. Over the four years, students are offered a wide range of courses in economics exploring topics in money, banking and financial economics to issues in development, labor, environmental and energy economics while also equipping them with topics in political economy, public economics and policy. While the degree is rich in quantitative courses in mathematics and econometrics, it also offers courses in economic history and history of economic thought as well as courses that are designed to help students hone their narrative skills. The program engages students with game theoretic tools to help them analyze strategic situations, an approach that finds applications in most real world contexts. Economic reasoning, quantitative and data analysis skills combined with an exposure to programming languages such as STATA and R, lends our BECO graduates comparative advantage in today's job markets – both private and public - as well as for higher studies in top universities around the world.
Landscape Management and Heritage Studies
Masters in Landscapes management and heritage studies is an academic program with a focus on the multidisciplinary and interrelated nature of problems that are visible in the form of alterations in natural landscape, traditions and cultural heritages around the world, with specific reference to Nepal, the Himalayan area and the Southeast region.
Bachelor in Yogic Sciences and Wellbeing (BYSW)
An entirely unique and newly launched undergraduate program at Kathmandu University School of Arts, Bachelor in Yogic Sciences and Wellbeing attracts students who want to attain sound physical and mental health of the self while also taking the knowledge and skills to a professional level. This program is jointly owned by School of Arts and School of Medical Sciences at the university.
Crafting Cinema at KU: A Hands on Filmmaking Workshop
This beginner course will provide students with hands-on, practical knowledge about the key aspects of filmmaking. It is designed for anyone interested in filmmaking and does not require any prior experience in the visual arts, film, or media. Individuals who want to explore and learn about the process of filmmaking or pursue it as a career will benefit from the course. In a competitive workshop setting, students will learn fundamental filmmaking skills. They will be introduced to a variety of innovative techniques in a collaborative setting. After working on short assignments throughout the course, they will produce a final, self-directed project.
Masters in Economics
Masters in Economics, also abbreviated as MECON is a two years program that offers different courses in economic theory and aims to produce graduates with different applied quantitative research skills and tools amenable for economic analysis of different socio-economic issues the world is facing in general with a particular focus on the issues more prevalent in the Nepali context. The program is designed so as to provide a sound understanding of different economic theories through the core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Moreover, the program puts heavy emphasis on public economics and political economy and development economics. Elective courses will be offered in a broad range of topics from environmental economics to industrial organization
Bachelors in Environmental Studies (BES)
Environment is not only the bio-physical “surrounding” but also includes the human’s social and economic aspects in it. It is the sum total of all the living, non-living and socio-economic entities, interacting and affecting each other including humans. Nature or the environment is the ultimate resource for all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, our need and greed, and mismanagement has resulted in the degradation of the quality of the environment. Accordingly, the environment has become the focus of many disciplines and discourses, and encompasses almost all branches of natural and social sciences. Environmental issues are now part of every talk, debate, career path and employment.
PhD Programs
Developing and transition countries are affected by a multitude of environmental, political, economic, socio-cultural, and technical development problems and disparities. These occur in many different contexts, and their frequency and acuteness have greatly increased in the 20th century. The challenge for research that aims to produce knowledge relevant to prevention and mitigation of such problems and disparities is that these do not occur independently of each other, but are closely interrelated, appearing in clusters.
Bachelor in Community Development Programme
The Bachelor in Community Development (BCD) is a four-year undergraduate program designed to produce leaders and champions for community development and social change in the country. This is a unique professional program designed to cater human resources required for community development through self entrepreneurship and skilled professionals to work with different sections of the society such as environment, health, development, equity, women, children, youth, elderly, Dalits, people with disabilities, and communities affected by various transformations.
Bachelors in Economics
Introduced in 2013, the Bachelor in Economics (BECO) is one of the most competitive undergraduate programs offered by Kathmandu University, School of Arts. Over the four years, students are offered a wide range of courses in economics exploring topics in money, banking and financial economics to issues in development, labor, environmental and energy economics while also equipping them with topics in political economy, public economics and policy. While the degree is rich in quantitative courses in mathematics and econometrics, it also offers courses in economic history and history of economic thought as well as courses that are designed to help students hone their narrative skills. The program engages students with game theoretic tools to help them analyze strategic situations, an approach that finds applications in most real world contexts. Economic reasoning, quantitative and data analysis skills combined with an exposure to programming languages such as STATA and R, lends our BECO graduates comparative advantage in today's job markets – both private and public - as well as for higher studies in top universities around the world.
Landscape Management and Heritage Studies
Masters in Landscapes management and heritage studies is an academic program with a focus on the multidisciplinary and interrelated nature of problems that are visible in the form of alterations in natural landscape, traditions and cultural heritages around the world, with specific reference to Nepal, the Himalayan area and the Southeast region.
Bachelor in Yogic Sciences and Wellbeing (BYSW)
An entirely unique and newly launched undergraduate program at Kathmandu University School of Arts, Bachelor in Yogic Sciences and Wellbeing attracts students who want to attain sound physical and mental health of the self while also taking the knowledge and skills to a professional level. This program is jointly owned by School of Arts and School of Medical Sciences at the university.
Crafting Cinema at KU: A Hands on Filmmaking Workshop
This beginner course will provide students with hands-on, practical knowledge about the key aspects of filmmaking. It is designed for anyone interested in filmmaking and does not require any prior experience in the visual arts, film, or media. Individuals who want to explore and learn about the process of filmmaking or pursue it as a career will benefit from the course. In a competitive workshop setting, students will learn fundamental filmmaking skills. They will be introduced to a variety of innovative techniques in a collaborative setting. After working on short assignments throughout the course, they will produce a final, self-directed project.
Masters in Economics
Masters in Economics, also abbreviated as MECON is a two years program that offers different courses in economic theory and aims to produce graduates with different applied quantitative research skills and tools amenable for economic analysis of different socio-economic issues the world is facing in general with a particular focus on the issues more prevalent in the Nepali context. The program is designed so as to provide a sound understanding of different economic theories through the core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. Moreover, the program puts heavy emphasis on public economics and political economy and development economics. Elective courses will be offered in a broad range of topics from environmental economics to industrial organization
Bachelors in Environmental Studies (BES)
Environment is not only the bio-physical “surrounding” but also includes the human’s social and economic aspects in it. It is the sum total of all the living, non-living and socio-economic entities, interacting and affecting each other including humans. Nature or the environment is the ultimate resource for all living beings, and humans are no exception. However, our need and greed, and mismanagement has resulted in the degradation of the quality of the environment. Accordingly, the environment has become the focus of many disciplines and discourses, and encompasses almost all branches of natural and social sciences. Environmental issues are now part of every talk, debate, career path and employment.
Affiliated Colleges
National College
Since the formation of the National College in 1996, it has created a history of conceptualizing and implementing tailor-made academic programs in the fields of development education. Presently, the college offers three unique programs namely Bachelor in Development Studies (BDevS) since 1999, Bachelor in Development Finance (BDFin) since 2006, and Bachelor of Social Sciences (BoSS) since 2013. Affiliated to Kathmandu University, these forward looking programs are designed to address the contemporary issues of national and global contexts.
St. Xavier’s College
ST. XAVIER’S COLLEGE, Kathmandu, is an educational institution of higher learning established and managed by the Nepal Jesuit Society. The Jesuits began their educational work in Nepal in 1951 with the opening of St. Xavier’s School, Godavari, followed by St. Xavier’s School, Jawalakhel, St. Xavier’s School, Deonia, Moran Memorial School, Maheshpur,and St. Xavier's School, Sadakbari.